Saturday, March 12, 2011

When I grow up...

     I was an odd child. My siblings could attest to that. I was very shy and quite. I used to talk to myself and wanted to be a variety of things when I grew up. Most little girls want to be Ballerinas, Nurses or Teachers. But not me, here are 3 of the many weird occupations I wanted to have as an adult...

Garbage Lady: In my defense, I wasn't aware that being a "Garbage Lady" meant I had to be around stinky trash all day. I was completely enamored with the concept of riding on the back of a truck. I would watch them hop off grab the trash and hop back on. It looked totally awesome!! You can imagine my disappointment when my sister lovingly explained to me all the unpleasant details of this possible profession. 

The Human Mannequin: If you wanted to go to the mall and I was tagging along, be prepared for complete and total embarrassment. I wanted to be a Human Mannequin! At random times during shopping trips I would mysteriously disappear. My Mother and Sisters would have no idea where I was. "Where's Debbie?" They would scope the store, a quick glance to the right and there I would be. Still as a statue, in the front window of the store posing with the mannequins. Most of the time in an awkward half running motion (cause that's how mannequins pose right?) . They would call my name and I wouldn't move a muscle. I was very dedicated to my craft. Somehow the mortified look on my sisters faces never seemed to bother me...

Infomercial Host: As I mentioned earlier, I loved to talk to myself. So naturally I wanted to be the host of a infomercial. At any given moment when I was at home you would find me either in the kitchen or in the bathroom talking away about the latest invention or item that everyone needed to have. "Here we have a lovely bar of soap. Notice how it lathers and easily washes off your hands. No household can be complete without this fantastic bathroom fixture..." I was very good. 

However, as time passed those dreams gave way to more practical vocations. But don't worry, I will always hold these jobs in high regard. In fact, everytime I see the garbage man, walk passed those mannequins or watch that paid program, I can't help but smile and be grateful that none of those professions worked out for me! :)

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