Friday, July 8, 2011

Jeremy and Mr. Wasp...

Sorry, I am still laughing my head off over this. It was the funniest thing I haD ever seen! So here's what happened, most of it is a conversation between the two of us...

I am down stairs in the kitchen when I hear...

Jeremy: Debbie, where's the packing tape?!?

Me: Why?

Jeremy: Where is it?! I need it! 

Me: It's in the bedroom on the dresser.

Jeremy: Come up here, quick!!!!

I run up the stairs to find my husband hiding behind the door to 1 of our guest bedrooms. His pained and freaked out facial expression said it all. 

Me: What's wrong?

Jeremy: LOOK!!!! (pointing to the light with a little black thing flying around it.)

Me: What is it?

Jeremy: A WASP!!!!

Me: Why do you need the tape?

Jeremy: To catch it! 

Suddenly the wasp starts to migrate around the light. I give Jeremy the tape. He places it on the light fixture and RUNS away. 

Me: Huh, what's that gonna do? 

Jeremy: He's going to crawl onto the tape and get stuck. 

The wasp leaps off of the light onto the bed.

Both of us: AHHHHHHH!!!! 

Me: Catch him!!!

Jeremy: Give me something!

I toss him one of his under shirts........

Jeremy: NO, NO, Not my under shirt! Get me a towel! 

I grab a towel, Jeremy lunges towards the wasp with the towel. Cautiously lifting the towel to see if he got the wasp. The wasp is stuck on the towel, still alive.

Jeremy to the wasp: HOW DID YOU GET IN HERE!?!?!?!?!? TELL ME! HOW!?!?!?!??!?!? 

The wasp didn't respond. He took his secret to his grave.... 

(R.I.P. Mr. Wasp)

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